Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Summer Trip to Chicago: A Bazillion Seagulls by Denise Elam

Me at the Navy Pier. Photo by Denise Elam.

Here I am at a gorgeous bridge at the Lincoln Park Zoo.
Photo by Denise Elam

                 What I’m about to admit may make me seem a little dim and uninformed, but it’s the hard truth: I had no idea Chicago, Illinois was home to a bazillion seagulls.
                 I guess I should’ve used my context clues: seagulls thrive near oceans, Lake Michigan is one big ocean – er, lake – and Chicago is planted along the shores of Lake Michigan.  Unfortunately I rid of all English terminology when summer began, so I must’ve stood out as a typical, naïve tourist as I exclaimed, “Oh my gosh, a seagull!” and pointed at one like it was a UFO.
                 Needless to say: Chicago was definitely a learning experience.
The offending beast. Photo by Denise Elam.
Not only did I encounter countless seagulls hopping about and even being chased by kids as if they were dogs and not relentless scavengers, I also ate the best pizza ever, stood inside the tallest building in the United States (felt more like the world, honestly), and rode a water taxi for nearly an hour.
                 There’s not a single thing I dislike about Chicago; the people are nice, walking is encouraged, and the constant wind was more of a blessing than a burden considering the high temperatures. I had the best summer imaginable thanks to that wonderful city that never seems to sleep.
                 And hey – if the city never sleeps then that makes two…. at least until school starts.

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