Wednesday, September 26, 2012

My Summer by McKenna Ming

My friend and I just goofing around. 
     This summer was, by far, the best one yet. No, I didn't go on any fabulous vacations, stay in a fancy hotel, or eat anywhere out of the ordinary. I simply made the most of what I had--my friends. 
     I decided that I wasn't going to waste a precious moment of the break by sulking around waiting for something or someone to pop up and spark my interest to do something fun. I planned something fun every week and never had a dull moment this summer. 
     We went to the river at least a hundred times; that seemed to be our infamous hang out spot. I had a sleepover with my best friend at least once a week, and I spent a lot of quality time hanging out with my boyfriend and his family. There wasn't a day that went by that I sat at home and claimed that, "I have nothing to do." 
      This was the first summer that I actually looked back and wished it had never ended.

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