Friday, September 28, 2012

Flying and Freshman by Nick Palilla

Nick Palilla on a pilot lesson
with instructor, Jay Foster

     This May I went to Disney World in Florida with the Lebanon High School Band. When I returned from Florida, I started taking pilot lessons as a birthday gift and preparation for college.
     My first lesson consisted of a walkthrough and inspection of the plane I was going to fly, which is a Piper PA-28 Warrior, a single engine, private plane. After checking everything, I got in the plane and Jay took off. It was an exciting experience, and he let me fly it myself. We did several touch and go's and flew to the Lake of the Ozarks.
     This summer I also worked at Elm Street Eatery a lot. When I wasn't working or flying, I spent my time playing video games, hanging out with friends, and preparing for college. At the end of the summer I went to Freshman band camp as a section leader and prepared the freshman for football nights and competitions, then the next week attended full band camp. My summer went by very fast, and I was disappointed to have to return to school.

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