Monday, October 8, 2012

We Ate McDonald’s for, like, the Entire Week by Kaylee Crawford

I tried real Japanese sushi, but I didn't like it!
I'm eating 
Edamame instead -- Japanese soybeans.

My biggest dream was fulfilled this summer -- visiting Japan. Japan is the country I have loved since I was a small child, and now that my sister lives there (she teaches English to middle school students), we took the chance to turn my dream into a reality. My mother and I flew across the world to visit her.
            The plane ride, close to 12 hours, was quite miserable. Mom and I both have problems sitting still for long periods of time, and the food we were saved made everything even worse. Luckily, it was worth it. Upon first setting eyes on the bright city lights of Tokyo, a sense of accomplishment filled my heart.
We found a really cool waterfall
in one of the parks!
It was a great place to take
a lot of pretty pictures.
            For the first few days of our week-long stay, us girls all stayed in Tokyo, visiting different districts each day. I have too hard of a time choosing a favorite district; I love them all so much! The Akihabara district held “Electric Town”, home to all things anime and cosplay. The Shinjuku district held lots of shops, like the one where I bought a replica of the ring from my favorite anime. The Harajuku district was also a favorite. Since that’s the fashion district, I bought dresses of my favorite Japanese street style -- Lolita!
In the city, wearing my new brand-name
Lolita dress and carrying around my alpaca.
For the rest of the week, we stayed in my sister’s apartment with her boyfriend. Since she lived in a much less busy part of the country, we got to look at lots of temples and parks. However, I’m more of an urban person, so I was happier when we visited a nearby city. We went to lots of places there: a few shops, a restaurant, a museum, and a couple of arcades as well. We played the famous U.F.O. Catchers, which are similar to American claw machines. We won my favorite “Arpakasso” plushies! Arpakasso is Japanese for alpaca, and those stuffed animals are so cute!  In total, we won seven of them. People stopped to watch and cheer us on, and while it was really silly, it was really fun as well. I was also wearing one of my new Lolita dresses, and lots of people were calling me “Kawaii,” which means cute. It made me want to live there even more.
This was one of the silly purikura pictures
I took with my sister. I
t's so silly and cute!
            Another thing I loved doing was taking Purikura -- Japanese photo booths. They blow up your eyes really big, like how they would look in an anime. I took so many because I loved taking them so much.
            When it was time to come back to America, I was a bit sad, but I believe I’ll get to visit Japan again. It’s my plan to live there after college, after all. This trip was just like a little taste of everything I’ll get to experience.

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