Monday, October 15, 2012

Freshman Year by Rhiannon Fuhrer

            Freshman year so far, for me, has been complicated. There is so much to learn. It's hard to keep up with things this year. To be honest I didn't expect for this year to be this hard. I thought it would be like all my other years, simple and got through them easily. Instead, this year has been my hardest. There's a lot that I don't understand and much to keep up with. 
Emily, Patricia and I
            I thought I was seriously going to cry. I have never gotten a "C" or below in any of my classes in the past, but I got some C's on a few of my assignments this year. I'm so stressed out, trying to get things figured out and accomplished. I try keeping things together and organized. I have to work really hard to succeed to my fullest this year.
           There's good things about this year too. For instance, friends. I'm glad I get to see most of my friends, even some that I didn't get to see last year very much. I'm really glad that I have classes and lunch with some of them. I've been friends with most of them since 4th grade. I'm so glad we've all stuck together. Well anyways, i'm really happy that I have them this year. Next to good grades, my friends are very important to me. They are a big part of making this year good. If I didn't have them, then I do not know how I could ever survive this year. 
            I'm going to be trying my hardest to accomplish and succeed all of my goals through out this school year. 

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