Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Summer Time Jobs by Michael Plaster

Me in my suit shirt and tie
     This last summer I thought that I wouldn't work, really enjoy the last summer before adulthood. However, things changed around the beginning of the summer. I needed a job and I needed one fast. I asked my friend to help get me on board at Arby's.
     Soon I was working most nights down at Arbys. I got to thinking one day that since i was already awake during the day hat i would try to find a job during the day too. I went to my dad for help and he said that I could probably find a job down at Passport Transport.
    I went to work at Passport Transport as a collections agent. This was eye opening to me on the bahavior of adults. That's when I realized that adults enjoy a game of telephone tag. The plus side of the situation was that I had a good boss to work for.
    I really enjoyed working two jobs this summer. It was a joy getting to know so many wonderful people. I consider last summer one of my greatest learning experiences. 

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