Friday, October 12, 2012

Fummer Vacation by Nash Praznik

Me Drinking Pipe Water

The summer of 2012 was rather uneventful for me.

The one thing fun I do have to write about is my trip to Michigan. My family goes to Michigan every fourth of July to my grandparent's house to visit all our family up there. Its always really fun to go because my family is always a joy to be around. The trip there we decided to drive during the wee hours of the night. My brother drove all night while I stayed up to keep him company.

There was a rather exciting thing that happened at about 2 in the morning on the interstate. We were driving along and all of the sudden we saw headlights coming at us on a one way highway. We almost had a head on collision with the I assume to be drunk driver coming at us at 70mph but he swerved at the very last second and we didn't get hit. My brother and I also got to see the sunrise as we were driving as you can see in the picture it was quite spectacular.

The Sunrise
The next event that I have to tell you is our trip to Autrain Falls while we were in Michigan. This place is pretty great its a river that has a bunch of drop off cliffs as it flows causing a lot of miniature waterfalls.

The picture you see there is me at just the right angle so it looks as though I'm drinking the water that is flowing out of the pipe pretty awesome I know. Other than that my summer was pretty boring, I hope you enjoy this wonderful tale of my summer vacation.

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