Tuesday, October 9, 2012

To Be Jordan by Jordan Oberbeck

Me and my sister Britten

To be Jordan is to be many things. I am a writer, I am a singer, I am a dreamer. I am scared of many things. Sometimes I cry, sometimes about happy things. I am blessed.

I was born in March of 1995, in Lake of the Ozarks. My mother and father loved me, but not each other, as is the case of many.

I grew up wanting to be an artist, but never, and still never, knowing what kind. I loved music. Every kind of song that spoke words that touched me, I loved.

I loved many things. I loved the general, given things that are taken for granted, such as family, and friends, and my animals, but I also loved more. I loved color. I saw colors differently than people around me. They blended and moved to make totally different hues that most people could never see. I loved movies, and the way some of them brought feelings that real life didn’t.

I love who I am, and who I still strive to be. I love God and everything he has done for me. I love life, with all its beautiful bitterness and chaotic colors. This is me. 

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