Tuesday, August 20, 2013

About my Grandpa: Darrian Dismang.

 I am going to blog about my grandpa because he is a big part of my life. He does so many things for me,and I love him a lot. This summer we found out that my grandpa has cancer. My whole family was very hurt by this. We didn't get down or lose hope, but what we did was encourage him to keep fighting, and to not give up. We gave him courage,hope,faith to keep pushing. When we found out what kind of cancer and how it could be treated, we took action to get rid of it. Cancer is a very serious thing that destroy's family's. It seems that cancer appears so fast. The first thing that came to my mind when I got the news about him getting cancer was..What would I do without him? How did he get it? Why him God? As those things were crossing my mind I thought that he is a strong man,and won't give up. I tried to think positive every trip to the hospital, but it was really hard. He completed his radiation, and now is finishing up his chemo. Most of the time chemo makes you really sick, but not for my grandpa. Every time I went to the hospital with him I felt scared or worried. In the waiting room you sit with other people with cancer, and you see all of them with big smiles and always happy! I always wondered why though because they have this thing inside of them that is causing them to feel pain. So I asked one of the old men in there why he was always happy, and he said he was happy that he has the chance to over come, and if the treatment didn't work that at least he lived his last days how he wanted too. The only thing I could think to say to him was your so thankful and full of nothing but joy. "Our society should be more like people that are struggling who wake up everyday more thankful then they were yesterday",the old man said. Though my grandpa is still fighting, and has a little ways to go, I know he will make it through this because he is strong.  

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