Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My Grandfather: Briana Robb.

Over the summer my grandpa started having trouble breathing. He refused and refused to go to the hospital and claimed "nothing is wrong" he would always say. He finally came to his senses and went to the doctor. A couple days later he got all his test results back. His results stated that he had a bad heart and has diabetes. He then was told he would have to haveOpen Heart Surgery. It impacted my family a lot being that his health was low. Then the day of the surgery came. Everyone had to be at the Springfield Hospital at 5:30 that morning so getting up at 3 was a struggle! We all arove at the hospital and went to his room. Then we had to say good-bye just in case he didnt make it out of the surgery alive. Everyone got really worried for him but he told everyone not to worry he would be okay. It relieved us all after he said that. It comforted us all. We sat in the waiting room all waiting in hope that he would come back through those doors alive. After 12 hours of waiting we saw his doctor and he took us in the back room and assured us he was doing better and that they had found a hole in his heart in the process. They said they patched it while in surgery too. Later that day we finally got to see him although he was still in amnesia so he couldnt talk or anything. He is currently doing a whole lot better and we are thankful for it!

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