Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Junior Olympics: Wynter Nekola.

In the summer of 2013 I qualified in the 800m to go to the Junior Olympics held in Detroit Michigan. I had worked hard all summer to achieve this goal to move on from just a plain old track runner to a star. Just two weeks before we were supposed to leave I had a track meet in St. Louis and ran the 800m and got my best time of 2.27. Once I had finished my race I had got a sharp pain in my hip and it hurt horribly. I had kept going to practice, but my parents had set up a doctor’s appointment to get my hip x-rayed. I went in two days before I was going to leave for Michigan and found out the worst news I could get at that point in time; I had fractured my left hip. This was not only bad news because I could not race, but also because my freshman year was about to start in 2 weeks, I was devastated. Today I am trying to get through the next 9 weeks and physical therapy to begin my journey for next year. 

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