Tuesday, August 20, 2013

This Summer's Vacation: Karman Berkich.

This summer was very eventful for me.  Between working every day,cheer practice and two trips to Alabama. Yes I was very busy. This year Oakley and I both got to go on vacation with our families. Expecting to go different places we ended up in the same town both the last week of May and June. Gulf Shores,Alabama is a very laid back relaxing town. The beach was by far my favorite part. As you know siblings will be always a very good source of entertainment. While on our vacations my older sister would not let us go out in the water past our waste, due to her being afraid of sharks. While on Oakley's vacation our beach journey began by Oak throwing a dead fish on his sister. These few weeks were by far the highlight of my summer. Getting to spend a two whole weeks with the people that mean the most to me in my life at a beautiful place was amazing.

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