Tuesday, August 20, 2013

My First day of High School: Braden Moody.

On my very first day of high school i was very nervous, and excited at the same time.. I was very worried that I would not have any classes with any of my friends from the Junior High. When I walked into my Freshman first hour class, I didn't see anyone that i knew, and sat in a random seat. After the pledge Mrs. Latall asked all of us to take turns sharing information with the rest of the class.. It turns out that I have a lot in common with everyone in my class, even my wonderful English teacher Mrs. Latall. After my first hour class, I was on my way to Agricultural science. In the hall I seen all of my friends from last year, and it made me really excited. We took out our class schedules, and compared them. It turnes out that I have classes with everyone!! And I also made some new senior friends in publications class with Ms. Hasty. After my seventh hour class I felt more confident to go back the next day, and I was relieved that I knew some people.. And that was my first day of high school.

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